Our new Patient of the Week WINNER was attending his first-ever dental appointment last week and saw his picture tally 465 LIKES at the cutoff time of 10 PM on Friday, making him 2017's 34th POTW WINNER! Nice work, family and friends! This photo is on display at the office on the TV monitor, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat!

It was loud and clear for these kiddos, as several hundred people voiced their opinion - these Legacy patients are Patient-of-the-Week worthy! Registering as 2017's 33rd POTW WINNERS, these siblings saw their photo collect more than 450 LIKES! Excellent performance, family and friends! This photo is on display at the office on the TV monitor, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat!
Our new Patient of the Week WINNER saw his photo receive 111 LIKES on Facebook last week, making him 2017's 32nd POTW WINNER! Good job, family and friends! His photo is on display at the office on the TV monitor, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat!
It was a first-time appointment at Legacy Dental for this adorable little man! His photo received nearly 90 LIKES on Facebook last week, making him 2017's 31st POTW WINNER! Well done, family and friends! His photo is on display at the office on the TV monitor, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat!

A lot of love was given last week to our new Patient of the Week WINNER! This handsome cutie saw his photo tally almost 230 LIKES on Facebook, making him 2017's 30th POTW WINNER! Awesome performance, family and friends! His photo is on display at the office on the TV monitor, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat!